This is the pie chart from my DARS (Degree Audit Report System... or something along those lines). It helps you keep track of your credit hours earned, requirements fulfilled, and GPAs. The dark green is all the credit hours I have completed: 96 hours!. The light green are credit hours that are 'in progress': 20 hours. And the pink shows unfulfilled hours: 4 hours. I'm not actually taking 20 hours right now. That portion consists of Fall's classes and any classes that haven't been recorded from this semester. And that little teeny weeny pink slice? Those 4 hours are being transferred from MCC. Which means... I GRADUATE IN DECEMBER!! I am so thrilled to be graduating a semester early. Yay!
In other news... I'm heading off to Honduras this week! If you haven't already heard the scoop, here it is. I am apart of a group at ASU called Global Medical Brigades. There are 25 of us altogether (including Izzy and I) plus 2 doctors and a nurse. We are spending a week in Honduras to provide medical care to those who really need it. We will be traveling to a new town each day and serving thousands of people. This will be my first time EVER to exit the USA and I'm scared, nervous, and SO EXCITED. I know it is going to be quite an experience. I'll be in Honduras from May 20-27th and your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.
There are many more updates to come so check back soon : )