It started like this...
him: I need a vacation.
me: I really wanna go to the beach.
So while I studied, he began scheming what we could do. We thought, let's keep it simple and get a quick getaway to California while I have 1 week off school in August. After looking into some things he says, "This is getting expensive enough, might as well just go to Hawaii again..." And that's how it happened.
We spent our honeymoon in Kaua'i 9 months ago and decided to try another island this time. We ended up on Waikiki beach in Oahu.
The beach from our hotel room:
Gorgeous sunsets:
Walks on the beach:
We tried zip-lining on our honeymoon (SO FUN!). This time we parasailed.
It was a beautiful view and the breeze felt great!
The driver had fun dunking us in the ocean a few times. Word to the wise... keep your mouth closed.
Huge wall inside the memorial with the names of all who died on the USS Arizona that day. There was a bench (just out of view in this pictures but would be to the left) that had a list of names of survivors who had later had their ashes buried there with their shipmates.