Spring Break only lasts for one week!!
Is anyone else having a hard time snapping back into school mode? Maybe I'm having a little spring fever or possibly a little senioritis. It's too early for senioritis to be setting in! I'm hoping it's just the week-after-spring-break-ITIS and that I'll be over it next week.
I'm in the Noble right now (my favorite library at ASU).

But am not enjoying it as much as usual. I snagged a fish-bowl room (first-come-first-serve group study room) and was only in there for 3 minutes before a group came along and kicked me out. The rule is that a single person can use the room but if a group of 2 or more people come along they can kick you out... bummer. So I start wandering the floors looking for a seat with a plug so I can get some electrons for mr. mac... slim pickins. All the seats are taken! This has become my new pet-peeve of the semester: people who sit by plugs but don't use them. If you don't need the plug, sit somewhere else so others can use it! I finally find a chair with ONE open plug, HOORAY! But the story doesn't end there... I'm sitting in this chair, working on a study guide (for my exam tomorrow, oops...) and not too much time passes before this girl asks if she can use my plug (the one that I searched for so hard!). I hesitate because I have a 3 hours class tonight and mr. mac needs to last that long. She tells me, "I'm doing a programming assignment." I wanted to reply: "Okay?" Just because your assignment is 'programming' and computer related does mean that my computer needs are any less than yours. I checked my battery charge and I had a 93% charge so I gave her my beloved plug. I guess that's the end... eventful day at the library, huh?
Well it's back to that study guide now... let's hope I can make it to the weekend!