Sunday, March 15, 2009


I am very overdue on a blog update! So here it comes!

Spring break is already over. Can you believe it? They should really extend that to 2 weeks! Here are the highlights of the week:

Watching the cutest kids ever!

Celebrating Izzy's 21st! 

We're pretty : )

The whole group (I'm sorry Skyra. The other one where your eyes are open is all blurry!):

Spring Cleaning with my mom. No pictures to document the event...

Went to a graduation workshop. This workshop was nothing exciting but the fact that I only have 16 credit hours to go is very exciting! I'll be graduating next December!! Woot!

Did some shopping! Skyra, you're a wonderful shopping partner : ) 

And finally... went to the cabin with Scott and his family. The cabin is always a fun and relaxing time. I started to read: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and I like it so far. It even snowed a tiny bit!

The 'snow' was exciting and reminded of when Morgan and I visited Shannon last year in Chicago. It snowed for 3 days straight, yet every time we walked outside I would react the same way... "It's snowing!!" I'm such an Arizona kid : )

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Cute post!! Over here, our spring break is two weeks. Remember, that's when I'm going to Italy, Austria, and Germany. ;-) LOVE you!!!