Friday, January 7, 2011

Catch up time

Got the itch to write a blog entry tonight and found this draft unposted. I wrote it on January 7, 2011 (6 month ago... haha) and well it's a pretty good recap of many things that have happened to me since I last blogged. So here it is...

It has been a year and a half since I have blogged. WOW. I didn't know I would stop blogging when I last posted but it happened. Life happens. But I've decided to pick it up back up. I read a ton of other blogs and many of them talk about journaling or chronicling their lives and having something to look back on. So starting to blog again is just something I want to do for myself. Anyone who cares to read along is welcome to the journey.

My life looks completely different today than it did a year a half ago. If you would have told me all that would have happened in that amount of time... I never would have believed you. Just to fill in the GAP, here's a list of some of the major events in MY life in that span:

May 2009:
- Medical trip to Honduras
- Maegan came to visit AZ
June 2009:
- Summer school class at MCC
July 2009:
- took Morgan to see WICKED
August 2009:
- Trip with the girls to Disneyland : )
- Started last semester of my undergrad
- My brother Marc and Jenni got engaged!
September 2009:
- Trip to Vegas to see Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers with Scott, Scott's sister Stacy and her husband Brad
- Scott and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary
October 2009:
- Started working as a scribe in the ER
- My Oma passed away
November 2009:
- Was a bridesmaid in my cousin Katy's wedding in Washington
December 2009:
- Scott and I got engaged!! (finally ;-) )
- GRADUATED from ASU : )
January 2010:
- Scott's mom diagnosed with breast cancer (cancer-free today :) )
- Helped throw a bridal shower for Jenni
February 2010:
- Jenni's bachelorette party
March 2010:
- Bought a HOUSE!
- Was Jenni's Maid of Honor at her and Marc's wedding at Schnepf Farms!
April 2010:
- Took the GRE and applied to PA school
- Turned 22 and had a double birthday/housewarming party
May 2010:
- Bought a wedding dress and kicked wedding planning into gear!
- Visited Maegan in Tennessee with Izzy
July 2010:
- My soon-to-be-nephew Carson was born
- Had a bridal shower
September 2010:
- Interviewed for PA school at Midwestern University
(on the alternate list and still waiting...)
- My niece Ireland was born
- Had another bridal shower : )
- Scott and I celebrated 7 years together
October 2010:
- My Bachelorette party
November 2010:
- Scott and I got MARRIED! :D
- Honeymooned in Kauai, HI

ALL this... not to mention working, nannying, housesitting, holidays, cabin trips, and SO much more!