Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Spring Break only lasts for one week!!

Is anyone else having a hard time snapping back into school mode? Maybe I'm having a little spring fever or possibly a little senioritis. It's too early for senioritis to be setting in! I'm hoping it's just the week-after-spring-break-ITIS and that I'll be over it next week.

I'm in the Noble right now (my favorite library at ASU). 

Picture of Noble Library

But am not enjoying it as much as usual. I snagged a fish-bowl room (first-come-first-serve group study room) and was only in there for 3 minutes before a group came along and kicked me out. The rule is that a single person can use the room but if a group of 2 or more people come along they can kick you out... bummer. So I start wandering the floors looking for a seat with a plug so I can get some electrons for mr. mac... slim pickins. All the seats are taken! This has become my new pet-peeve of the semester: people who sit by plugs but don't use them. If you don't need the plug, sit somewhere else so others can use it! I finally find a chair with ONE open plug, HOORAY! But the story doesn't end there... I'm sitting in this chair, working on a study guide (for my exam tomorrow, oops...) and not too much time passes before this girl asks if she can use my plug (the one that I searched for so hard!). I hesitate because I have a 3 hours class tonight and mr. mac needs to last that long. She tells me, "I'm doing a programming assignment." I wanted to reply: "Okay?" Just because your assignment is 'programming' and computer related does mean that my computer needs are any less than yours. I checked my battery charge and I had a 93% charge so I gave her my beloved plug. I guess that's the end... eventful day at the library, huh?

Well it's back to that study guide now... let's hope I can make it to the weekend!      

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Isn't it frustrating when your library time gets "messed up" somehow?! Fortunately, the plugs are plentiful over here and the students actually studying in the library are few. Unfortunately, the 9 students in the library with me are VERY loud. It is incredibly disruptive. On a different note, I have also found out that dirty looks don't seem to be as effective over here as in the U.S. Weird.