Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mawwiage is what bwings us togevvar

Being married is awesome. I loved dating Scott for 7 years but being husband and wife is even better : )

I have to give a huge shout out / thank you / I love you to my husband. Since going back to school, I haven't always been the funnest person to be around.... Most of the time, I am tired, stressed, and never home. And when I am home, I'm usually studying, getting ready for the next day, trying to keep up with laundry and other house duties, and cranky :-/ It was a rough adjustment for the first couple weeks of school and although I have gotten used to the schedule and control my stress/crankiness a little better... I still have my moments.

Thanks babe for putting up with, loving, and supporting me. Thank you for taking on some extra "chores" at home. Thank you for dealing with my 5am alarm clock and me getting ready every morning. It will all be worth it in a few short years. <3

And in case you are still confused about the title of this post... go here.

1 comment:

Jason and Keri said...

You are blogging again! I love it!!